Wheat Gluten Celiac Disease Symptoms

Can Adults build up Food Allergies?

It is also possible that you’ve not paid any attention to your gluten intolerance symptoms. The illness is infamously under-diagnosed because diagnosis takes some study and consideration. 

What is Celiac Disease?

Although Celiac Disease occurs as immune system response to protein in wheat, but Celiac Disease is not particularly a wheat allergy. A wheat allergy, like other known allergies, is the reaction of white blood cells (basophils) and mast cells (Immunoglobulin E or IgE for short).

If your physician decides that your gluten intolerance symptoms are a result of gluten consumption, you may be having celiac disease. Celiac Disease is an immune system response of small intestine. Clinical tests, blood and/or an intestinal biopsy, can diagnose the presence of a Celiac Disease. It is possible that you have gluten intolerance despite negative test results.

Gastro-intestinal problems are major symptoms of gluten intolerance including diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and fatigue, but some minor symptoms also lead to non-celiac gluten sensitivity. 

Treatment of Gluten Intolerance:

The Diet Elimination Method is most accurate technique to diagnose gluten intolerance. In Diet Elimination Method, is works on a hit and trial basis. The patient eliminates gluten and gluten-associated foods for a significant period of time. Later after a certain period, with the help of a journal, maintain a record and observations of the diet consumed. Then a physician evaluates your before-and-after symptoms of the elimination period.

If you consume a big, thick quantity of gluten-rich bread and experience an immediate reaction then you are possibly developed symptoms of wheat intolerance rather than gluten intolerance. This is just like a person would react to cats if he is allergic to them. 

This is just like a person would react to cats if he is allergic to them. On the other hand, symptoms of gluten intolerance are obviously similar to a nutritional deficiency, where symptoms arise slowly over time. The symptoms might be brutal and grave, but they would be gradual and systemic, not instantaneous like symptoms of wheat intolerance.